Welcome to en plein air in and around Bala, Muskoka (Ontario), Canada
“en plein air”- is the tradition of landscape artists painting outside in natural light.
The Bala Plein Air Group selects different locations each week for inspiration and discovery and is open to all artists to meet and paint, draw, create art together. At the end of each outing, participating artists are invited to share and offer friendly insight and conversation. All levels of artist and media are welcome. Bring your own canvas and art supplies and use whatever you can carry. Oil, acrylic, water colour, gouache, pastel, pencils, sketchpad or digital devices.

Plein air sessions are FREE. There is no cost to participate. There is no instruction but we may arrange for artist demos once in a while. The Bala Plein Air Group is grateful for support from a Township of Muskoka Lakes Community Engagement Grant.
Check out where we have been.
Visit our year end Art Exhibition at The Bala Cranberry Festival on Oct 18-20, 2024 in Bala.
Or check out the art on our Instagram page. @artworkbalapleinair.ca
Painting outside in front of nature is better with other artists.
We are a volunteer run artist-led group and keep things simple. You can come once or twice while on vacation in the area or join us regularly as we move around. No advance registration required.
Be Art Love Art

Community Engagement Grant